Queensland, like the rest of Australia, is in the midst of a housing crisis. There are far-reaching economic and social impacts of not having a home that are also closely tied to the mental health of Australians.

National Shelter and the National Association of Renters Organisations are jointly submitting a statement to the Senate’s Inquiry into the Worsening Rental Crisis in Australia to highlight the need for urgent action to address the challenges faced by renters and ensure access to safe, secure, affordable and healthy homes.

On 22 June 2023 the Senate referred an inquiry into the worsening rental crisis in Australia to the Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report, with an interim report to be presented by 23 September 2023 to aid in the deliberations of the National Cabinet on renters’ rights, and a final report to be presented by 28 November 2023.

Over 80 organisations across Australia have signed on, including the Queensland Alliance for Mental Health on behalf of our members , and are endorsing the Joint Statement on the Worsening Rental Crisis in Australia.

The statement has now been provided to the Inquiry.

We encourage QAMH members to share the Joint Statement on the Worsening Rental Crisis in Australia and include this link on your website.


Further reading:

QAMH’s response including recommendations, on behalf of our members to the Stage Two Rental Law Reform consultation being led by the Department of Communities, Housing and Digital Economy: Stage 2 Rental Law Reform Submission


Media contact:
Emma Griffiths
QAMH Director – Advocacy and Communications
Queensland Alliance for Mental Health
M: 0439 971 080
E: egriffiths@qamh.org.au